Fifth Grade Students put on their Thinking Caps

Perelman fifth graders are putting on their thinking caps — six different caps, in fact! In class, they learned about Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats – a parallel-thinking process for brainstorming, managing time, and making decisions in which each of the hats represents a different approach to problem-solving. 

Students explored how this method can help them become productive, focused, and mindful. Then, they applied what they learned to solve a problem they came across in their day-to-day lives. To round out the unit, they showcased their advanced Hebrew skills by presenting their problem-solving projects entirely in Hebrew! Our fifth graders are gaining lifelong skills — ones that will serve them well in middle school and beyond.

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Forman Center

Kindergarten - Grade 5  •  7601 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027  •  215-635-3130

Stern Center

PreK - Grade 5 and Administrative Offices  •  49 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096  •  610-658-2518