Purim Celebrations!

At Perelman, Purim is a time for community! Our students made this holiday meaningful and fun in so many ways, including wearing costumes, baking hamantaschen, making groggers, and raising funds to send Mishloach Manot to soldiers in the IDF in partnership with Connections Israel. Students in 3rd grade even created "arcade games" in the Landau Makerspace that were played during the Purim festivities. The highlight of the holiday was our school-wide Megillah reading completely in Hebrew led by our 5th grade students. We are so proud of their hard work and Hebrew skills, as they set such an example for our younger students and the entire community.

For more photos, please visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PerelmanJewishDaySchool or our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/perelmanjewishdayschool/. Follow along for more events, updates, and behind the scenes!

Forman Center

Kindergarten - Grade 5  •  7601 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027  •  215-635-3130

Stern Center

PreK - Grade 5 and Administrative Offices  •  49 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096  •  610-658-2518