Every year, our students look forward to the Passover seder, the retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt, in which each grade takes a direct role in planning and steering the event:
Fifth graders lead the seder, guiding the school through each part, Fourth graders present an analysis of the Four Children in art through the ages, Second and third graders narrate the story of the Exodus for their peers, first graders perform fun and meaningful songs in Hebrew and English, and Gan and Ganon sing the famous Four Questions!
Through deep engagement, students are able to truly take ownership of these cherished traditions. The primary goal of a Passover seder is for every child to feel a personal connection to the story of the Exodus. At Perelman, we ignite that meaningful learning all year long. To make the holiday even more inviting, parents and grandparents join in the celebration, experiencing their children's insights and hard work firsthand!